What Not to Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal

What Not to Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal

By Cosmodental, 07 Aug 2024


Wisdom teeth growth can sometimes be unnatural, which means instead of growing straight up, it starts growing laterally or diagonally, which causes several oral problems like overcrowding, bite issues, infections, and oral injuries. The problematic wisdom tooth needs to be removed surgically to resolve this issue.

After the wisdom teeth removal surgery, there are certain safety measures to be taken that ensure faster recovery and maintained results while avoiding complications such as dry sockets and over-swelling of the face and mouth. This blog highlights the main Dont’s after the wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Avoid Eating Hard, Crunchy, or Spicy Foods

Oral health is most sensitive in the first two weeks after surgery. In this phase, eating hard, crunchy, or spicy food like chips and nuts can hurt the operated site, teeth, and jaw, causing pain and inflammation.

Thus, dentists recommend replacing hard and spicy foods with soft and mild foods like mashed potatoes, smoothies, and scrambled eggs. Also, soft food items must be made extra soft than usual to suit recovery better.

Don’t Use Straws

Using straws can create a suction in the mouth that can dislodge the blood clots, leading to dry sockets and swelling of the mouth, which can result in delayed healing. Thus, it is recommended to avoid using straws during the healing phase. Instead of using straws, you can directly drink from the glass or use a spoon to drink fluids.

No Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

Smoking or chewing tobacco can cause significant damage to oral health and increase the risk of infection. Due to nicotine affecting blood flow and tissue regeneration, combined with the risk of infections, it is required to avoid smoking and chewing tobacco for a healthier recovery. If you crave tobacco or smoking during the recovery period, it is best to consult your dentist to get tips to manage these cravings.

Avoid Vigorous Rinsing and Spitting

Vigorous rinsing your mouth with water or mouthwash can disturb the blood clot in the operated area and cause a dry socket, which is extremely painful. The force of water or any fluids within the mouth is a determining factor in the healing of the sutures. Thus, it is recommended that you should be considerate while rinsing your mouth or spitting.

Don’t Engage in Strenuous Physical Activity

Intense physical activity like running or weight lifting causes physical exertion, which can increase blood pressure. This is dangerous for people who have recently undergone surgery. The increased blood pressure can cause the surgical site to open up, bleed again, and need medical attention. Therefore, it is suggested that a rest period to be observed before returning to routine physical activities.

Avoid Touching or Probing the Surgical Area

Touching the surgical area with fingers or tongue constantly can result in an opened wound, inflammation, or infections. It is important to avoid unnecessary touching and not to disturb the affected area. If you have an infected surgical site, rush to the dentist immediately to take the necessary precautions.

Don’t Ignore Pain or Swelling

A normal level of pain and swelling is to be expected after a wisdom tooth extraction, which the dentist often informs you about. However, if this normal level of pain and swelling is exceeded, it might indicate a problem. Thus, visit your dentist in such a case and follow their prescribed pain management post-surgery.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can interfere with prescribed creams and medicines and disturb the healing process. This also impacts blood clotting and tissue healing, which can result in bleeding. Thus, it is suggested to avoid alcohol for the time frame in which you are taking medicines prescribed by the dentist.

Don’t Skip Prescribed Medications

Complete the medication the dentist prescribes, and only take it for the specific time duration as per the prescription. Avoid taking pain relievers or antibiotics alone, continuing prescribed medicines longer than the prescribed duration, or stopping them earlier.

As these medicines are effective in preventing infection and managing pain, the complete dosage should be completed before stopping, and it should only be stopped or used further, as suggested by the dentist.

Avoid Using Ice Packs for Too Long

Ice packs are a great way to manage pain and swelling. However, prolonged use can lead to tissue damage. The best way to use ice packs is to use them for 20 minutes and then take a break for 20 minutes. This reduces your swelling and pain while giving tissues the time to return to their best state.


Certain measures must be taken after a wisdom tooth extraction, including avoiding crunchy food, smoking, and alcohol and completing the entire course of prescribed medications. This can help with faster recovery and fewer chances of complications. It is also essential to consult your dentist regarding complications and the best way to resolve them. To learn about wisdom tooth removal in Wanowrie, visit our Website.

To learn about wisdom tooth removal in Wanowrie, visit our Website.